Monday, October 30, 2006



today was insanely busy. insane, i tell you. INSANE. i don't know why, it just was. i even had to sneak away just to go pee, and i got paged while in the bathroom. trail mix and cheezits have sustained me today. i have a migraine.

there was a work party friday night. gussied up. a dress is a big change from scrubs. work colleagues (and superiors) in complete shock. not sure if i liked reaction. will avoid for a while. the gussying, that is.

and yesterday perhaps out of sheer lunacy, i curled my hair. it was HUGE. and then i went and ran errands, me with my head of bouncy big-as-texas hair. it was bizarre. i think i even got a few IQ points dumber from it. i should have taken a photo for you.

today i have been notified that i have taken the lead as having taken the most call AND the most saturday calls out of all the fellows so far this year.

to which i say, bring it, awwwwwwwww yeah BRING! IT!

and then i say, please don't hurt me.

i need a hug, like, bad! right now! but also i need some food. i think i'm delirious. and that, friends, is how "delirious" is spelled. my head hurts, and i have already had two doses of painkillers today.

trips to the drugstore aren't what they used to be. i miss walgreens. nothing like a trip to walgreens to center you.

it is bedtime in ten minutes, especially if i am going to get up at the time i expect. but i got home fifteen minutes ago.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider this a cyber hug, busy young Doc Camo. Gotta be 12 shades of dedicated to swim in your pool, I suspect.

10/30/2006 09:12:00 PM

Blogger babblingdweeb said...


It's been too long since I checked up on you my furry-tailed friend. I hope all is well in camo land. I'll been checking in more often I expect updates.

cheers :)

10/31/2006 10:11:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

bsc: thanks for the hug! those help get me through the day.

dwight! [hug and kiss]
so nice to read your friendly words. but updates will be slim, what with me current work life and all, dearie. you can probably expect more disjointed brain droppings like the above though.

11/01/2006 09:13:00 PM


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Friday, October 27, 2006

guess what this is

(this one's worth twenty-five pricklepoints™)

click, click, click, click.


click. click. clickclick.


click, clickclickclick.

crap! freakin'...

click. click. click.

okay. now,





Blogger Ray said...

is it the stove not lighting?

10/28/2006 11:57:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

TV remote needing and getting a new battery?

10/29/2006 08:17:00 AM

Blogger Ray said...

oh wow, can i change my vote to what puffintoad said? that's brilliant.

10/30/2006 11:02:00 AM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

wow. you guys are really good.

your answers are so much better than the real answer, which is me setting my alarm clock.

10/30/2006 07:38:00 PM


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Thursday, October 26, 2006

for kieran


Blogger CamoBunny said...

photo by cb, 2004

10/26/2006 09:16:00 PM


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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


edited for friendship's sake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raise shields and approach with caution. Objects in the rear view mirror may be closer than they appear.

10/25/2006 01:03:00 AM

Blogger The Dog of Freetown said...

Have a bath, and then a nice cup of tea. And then come visit London. In that order.

10/26/2006 08:51:00 AM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

b.s.c.— that's some of the best advice i've ever been given. thanks.

kieran— bath. tea. london. got it. sounds soothing. i find your suggestion that i visit london more touching than you probably meant it. thanks.

10/26/2006 07:26:00 PM


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Tuesday, October 17, 2006


the fridge is stocked
the laundry's done
the kitchen's clean
with dishwasher run

my family's been called
and a few friends too
to give them good warning
of what i must do

it's about work you see,
in case you should wonder
i'm taking a breath
and now going under

i'm starting service
in the ICU
crazy busy x 5 wk
farewell, adieu


Blogger saara said...

i miss you, bunny.

10/19/2006 09:06:00 AM


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Sunday, October 15, 2006


be who you wanna be

oh, man.

every time i see this commercial i wonder how many other adult women silently choke back a little vomit. just a little.

okay so it starts out with a decent idea, "be who you wanna be." that statement isn't exactly perfect, but it's not a bad start. the commercial song voices (bubblegum, lollipops, ponytails) go on to list examples, but frankly, i can't hear what they're saying because i'm overwhelmed with images of sparkles and ballerinas and pinkness and ponies and makeup. not that there's anything wrong with those things. but that's all it is, and that's the problem— it's such a limited range to be supported by the words "be who you wanna be".

have i mentioned that i dislike the word "wanna"? or maybe they were going for "wannabe".

what'd i expect? camouflage? footballs? guns? nah. but come on. something else. please. something so that we aren't pretending to give our girls "freedom" to choose while limiting their choices.

did i own barbie dolls as a child? yes. did i play with them? well, yes, but without sisters some improvisation had to take place. camofoo and camodidi and i somehow combined our toys and played some sort of barbies vs. transformers and airplanes game. we made the barbies the evil side. i can't remember much more about that game except that touching a barbie made you die. and then camodidi would say, "i'm dead." followed two seconds later by, "i'm up!" as his airplane took off again. we got so mad about that.

"you can't do that!"

ohhhhh, that was funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just had to say...hilarious entry. i had a sister so it was the reverse in our house. bro had to play ken. fun times.

10/16/2006 08:45:00 AM

Blogger A. Klemmer said...

Yeah, girls get laden with that stuff. And boys get the over-the-top machismo. Isn't there some middle ground where we're allowed to be more, I don't know, whole?

10/16/2006 12:47:00 PM


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my life is great

today i don't feel sorry for myself

because i hear other people whining and complaining about their problems, which really aren't problems at all, and it makes me want to shake them into the realization of how easy they have it.

and so. resolved. i have a great life, and i'm not gonna be a whiner.

neither will i be a snob, who lords it over others and strives for credit or recognition for this great life.

i'm just saying.


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an ode to nasal spray

just kidding. i have not written an ode to nasal spray.

i just thought it sounded funny.

and it's allergy season again.


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Saturday, October 14, 2006


so i show up to the work happy hour last night. two of my workmates are there, as is our "boss".

he introduces me to his guest, who is a matchmaker for a living. he looks at me and says, "now don't feel weird about this and take it for what it is." he then turns to his guest and says, "now, of all the fellows who are single, [bunny] here is of the highest quality."


what do you say when your "boss" says something like that? and what of the single fellows that sat on either side of me? awwwwwwk-waaard!

he went on to list some of my past accomplishments. after that, i didn't know what to say or do. so i said, "i have no idea how to respond to that."

he went on some more. "after her interview last year, dr. [r] took her c.v. home, handed it to his daughter, and told her 'this is what your c.v. should look like in several years.'"

at this point i was done. i had no idea what to do with myself. i mean, what do you do?

i was too embarrassed and perplexed to feel flattered.

several hours before that, in the cath lab, i was the only female doc in the room. i stood there in my lead suit, looking around at all these dudes, all wearing wedding rings. i thought about the well-known double standard-- male doctors are prime cuts in the marriage market; female doctors usually have men run away screaming. i thought about it briefly, let out a sigh, and decided to stop thinking about it.

i think these two events reflect off of one another in a way most unpleasant.


Blogger AlleyCat said...

still and all, I'm impressed. you really are all that!

10/15/2006 04:19:00 PM


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Wednesday, October 11, 2006


i am aglow with pride.

one of my "bosses" complimented my aorta with abnormal aortopulmonary collaterals diagram (or diagramme, if it suits you as such).

it's so nice to be complimented on one's hard work.

and hey, i stared at the angiograms for a long time, and then drew that suckah, i mean, artist's interpretation, freehand! in pencil. and then went over it in sharpie. and then traced it on a new paper with my regular ink pen. and then put the coils on there and labeled it. and then went down and taped a copy to the little baby's crib. so hard work it was. even if it has little to do with practicing medicine.

i'd put it on the fridge if i could. or maybe show my mom.


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the old me

i've just been re-reading some of my old posts. my posts from march, to be specific.

i kind of like them. especially the one about the triangle.

i miss the old me.

you know what is annoying? if i post by e-mail, all my posts will end like this:

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Monday, October 09, 2006


lookit what i drew!

no, you don't understand.

see, i've always thought that i am incapable of drawing, and then i made this pretty picture.

it's nerdy, but i'm rather proud of this diagram and i wanted to share it with someone. oh, i am SO needy!

okay i'm done being a dork now.

for now, i mean.

(and seventy-five pricklepoints™ to you if you can tell me what i have drawn!)


Blogger The Dog of Freetown said...

Is it something to do with the lungs? Or a seedling? Or a young Canadian flag?

10/10/2006 07:27:00 AM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

you are mighty close, kieran.

and i will give you twenty-five pricklepoints™ just for being a nice blogfriend to me.

10/10/2006 07:32:00 PM

Blogger AlleyCat said...

How the capillaries regenerate themselves after you cauterize a blood vessel?

10/11/2006 08:16:00 AM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

no, but also close.

10/11/2006 01:48:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something to do with the aorta and blood vessels coming off it?

10/11/2006 06:59:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

ahahaha! yes. anonymous wins the 75.

hm. this presents a problem. if multiple anonymouses start winning pricklepoints™, how will i know which anonymous has collected which points? hm, indeed.

which reminds me-- at one time i wanted to create a new blog identity called "the anonymouse." it's taken multiple times over. but i promise i did come up with it on my own. as i did with the idea for a novel called "womenagerie." which is also taken.

10/11/2006 09:28:00 PM


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i feel a song coming on

it's autumn.
i have ever so much to tell you.
but there's so much, and i just can't get it all typed right now,
so instead i'll sing it to you.

[sings ballad]

there. got it?


Blogger CamoBunny said...

i miss you too, my puffie.

btw thanks for saying i'm not catty ; )

10/09/2006 09:19:00 PM


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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

what's in a name

someone called me catty today.

to which i say,

that's just silly.

i'm so obviously not catty,

because i

am bunny.


Blogger A. Klemmer said...

Bunny, you are. A perfect truth.

10/04/2006 07:07:00 PM

Blogger The Dog of Freetown said...

I like cats.

10/06/2006 03:32:00 AM


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Sunday, October 01, 2006

travel is so broadening

the untold want
by life and land ne'er granted
now, voyager
sail thou forth to seek and find

but when?


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