Friday, September 23, 2005



(n.) blogging of profuse quantity, the flow of which may be uncontrolled or out of control.

etymology: modern english blog, from weblog, + greek rhein to flow (more at stream)

related words: blogstipation, dysblogia.

although blogorrhea may afflict an individual severely, even to the point of debilitation, it is a symptom and should not be considered an illness per se.

in some situations the individual may continue to function and develop normally (see toddler's diarrhea). in these cases blogorrhea may be an annoyance (especially for patients' loved ones who subscribe to aggregators) but is considered harmless and may go untreated.

prognosis directly correlates with degree of ongoing functionality, degree of support from loved ones, number of affective or psychotic comorbidities, and consistency of blogorrhea. a chunkier, terse blogorrhea has been associated with less fluid loss and maintenance of emotional status and wit, while a more fluid blogorrhea may be indicative of underlying emotional distress or may be secondary to an inability to express oneself concisely or a love of hearing one's own words.

treatment is supportive and should be directed toward immediate stabilization followed by diagnosis and treatment of the underlying syndrome and possible comorbidities. for otherwise asymptomatic individuals, exercises in continence and "timed posting" may help impart a sense of control over persistent urges and/or flow.

initial studies using ethanol based fluid resuscitation have not shown benefit over placebo.

ref: bunny, c.; chooly, e.; jedi, k. j irrep results. high-dose beer does not reduce volume of blogorrhea more than tang: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial and review.

i thought it so nice, i posted it twice! it looks better here on the original blog. oh—steal it and die.


Blogger CamoBunny said...

though i did think of it on my own; i know i'm not the first person to use the word.

i betcha i'm one of the first to write something like this though!

9/23/2005 12:28:00 PM

Blogger Ray said...

ewww... a "chunkier blogorrhea?" Who needs a chunkier blogorrhea?

9/23/2005 07:23:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

heh, heh.

another reason why it looks funnier on the original blogsite:

9/24/2005 12:07:00 AM

Blogger Joshua said...

This is awesome. I love how you maintain the medical/diagnostic tone, diction and format throughout.

9/24/2005 02:36:00 PM


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