Monday, October 30, 2006



today was insanely busy. insane, i tell you. INSANE. i don't know why, it just was. i even had to sneak away just to go pee, and i got paged while in the bathroom. trail mix and cheezits have sustained me today. i have a migraine.

there was a work party friday night. gussied up. a dress is a big change from scrubs. work colleagues (and superiors) in complete shock. not sure if i liked reaction. will avoid for a while. the gussying, that is.

and yesterday perhaps out of sheer lunacy, i curled my hair. it was HUGE. and then i went and ran errands, me with my head of bouncy big-as-texas hair. it was bizarre. i think i even got a few IQ points dumber from it. i should have taken a photo for you.

today i have been notified that i have taken the lead as having taken the most call AND the most saturday calls out of all the fellows so far this year.

to which i say, bring it, awwwwwwwww yeah BRING! IT!

and then i say, please don't hurt me.

i need a hug, like, bad! right now! but also i need some food. i think i'm delirious. and that, friends, is how "delirious" is spelled. my head hurts, and i have already had two doses of painkillers today.

trips to the drugstore aren't what they used to be. i miss walgreens. nothing like a trip to walgreens to center you.

it is bedtime in ten minutes, especially if i am going to get up at the time i expect. but i got home fifteen minutes ago.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider this a cyber hug, busy young Doc Camo. Gotta be 12 shades of dedicated to swim in your pool, I suspect.

10/30/2006 09:12:00 PM

Blogger babblingdweeb said...


It's been too long since I checked up on you my furry-tailed friend. I hope all is well in camo land. I'll been checking in more often I expect updates.

cheers :)

10/31/2006 10:11:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

bsc: thanks for the hug! those help get me through the day.

dwight! [hug and kiss]
so nice to read your friendly words. but updates will be slim, what with me current work life and all, dearie. you can probably expect more disjointed brain droppings like the above though.

11/01/2006 09:13:00 PM


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