Wednesday, January 04, 2006

have you ever had a dream come true?

i don't mean a fantasy; i mean the sort of dreams you have while you're sleeping.

i've long suspected that i've had dreams about the future that come true, but what could one have other than a sense of déjà vu and some recall bias to really confirm that? nothing.

well monday i became convinced of it. sometimes i have dreams about the future that come true.

on one morning a year? two years? ago, shortly before waking, i had a snapshot dream. you know, the kind where you get just this one image? even though there is a timeline and things are happening, it's basically all just one snapshot of a scene. i dreamed that i was sitting on a strange bed, in a small white room, knitting something out of yarn in very ugly colors (dark dark green and fuchsia), while contemplating whether or not i should go on a date with some guy (no one in particular). on waking i shook my head because of how random that dream seemed. i'd never seen such a room before, i did not have the foggiest notion how to knit, i'd never pick those colors, and i never EVER got asked out on dates. i dismissed the dream as cerebral misfirings under the influence of images from television and went on with life.

so monday, after taking care of my four baby patients, in the small white call room of my new workplace, i sat on the bed and turned on the television. i was contemplating whether or not i should go on a date with some particular guy. maybe knitting would help me focus my thoughts. i picked it up and as i came to a stripe of dark, dark green, which comes just before fuchsia in my noro kuryeon colorway (which i ordered online for the other colors in the scheme without being aware of the fuchsia), i got that sense of déjà vu. no, it was more than déjà vu. i remembered having had that dream.

a completely insignificant dream and occurrence, but true story nonetheless.



Blogger CamoBunny said...

oh, it has happened before, but i've never been able to declare it with confidence. i usually think i'm making it up.

your dream definitely means something. what i do not know; that is between you and God. what do falcons mean to you? in any case, you were able to chase it away, which is important.

1/05/2006 11:17:00 AM


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