Sunday, January 01, 2006

dumb girls

tell me this.

does it really make a girl that much more attractive when she acts dumb?

i see it all too often. oh it's not that dumb girls get guys that bothers me. i mean, whatever. it's that girls who aren't dumb act dumb around their boyfriends or around guys they hope will be their boyfriends. it literally nauseates me.

dumbness is contagious too. our daughters are taught by these dumb girls who have become dumb childbearing women that it's not worth learning how to do stuff because being dumb and helpless is beneficial somehow.

the thing that cracks me up is when guys are fooled by the ones who are pretending to be dumb. once they're married, she turns into a demanding shrew, criticizing when she wants to seem like she's right, or acting helpless when she doesn't feel like doing something. it's hilarious. talk about digging your own grave and then lying in it.

this one guy suggested that my new year's resolution ought to be to act dumb more often so i could catch more men. i'd tell you what my answer to him was, but then i'd have to kill you too.


Blogger A. Klemmer said...

Act dumb to attract guys and guess what kind of guys are attracted.

1/02/2006 02:24:00 PM


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