"well i think you're too skinny."
at the doctor's office today one of the techs was doing a test on me, and she felt completely free to give her opinion on my body habitus.
i explained that my body mass index is well within normal limits. even though it is at the lower end of the range, it is in a healthy range. i pointed out that since most people in our country are heavy, we have gotten used to seeing heavier people, so that i may have seemed unusually thin to her despite being, actually, normal.
"well, normal for what? i still think you're too skinny."
she was just bound and determined to make her point.
now, if i were too fat, would she have mentioned she thought i was too fat? even though that is THE very problem that usually sends people to that office? of course not.
i don't think she was trying to be rude, but i think that what she said was rude.
what do you think?
addendum: while posting this i called the office and spoke with the manager in complaint about the interaction. i hope she doesn't get in trouble though.
addendum: now i'm actually mad about this. i'm glad i called and left my opinion.
Well, you've been "skinny" the whole time I've known you, and I've never seen any problem with it. I kinda like it. 'course, I married a skinny woman and have a skinny son and when I ran 50 miles a week and had just eight percent body fat was pretty danged skinny myself. Not that I'm particularly heavy now (an injury stopped the runnning), but my knees sure were happier back then. And skinny sure as heack beats the alternative.
3/24/2006 10:38:00 AM
mr. chooly: that sounds like fun, and had i not been compromisingly disrobed for my test at the time, i would have done so. yet another reason why i need a longer stethoscope. that and so i don't have to get as close to germy children while examining them.
mr. klemmer: thank you. thank you very much for saying that. and yes, it most definitely beats the alternative, for if i were wrapped with the extra layer of fat that the tech was suggesting i ought to have, so wrapped in fat would be my heart and other organs. and all one can say to that is "ew".
if i were scary-skinny (bmi < 18), that'd be one thing. as it stands, i am hot-skinny (guffaw), and some people just can't seem to handle that. well they can kiss my skinny flat behind.
3/24/2006 12:33:00 PM
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