Sunday, March 19, 2006

soy un perdedor


i'm falling apart.

i have been so distracted (or sleep-deprived?) that i have done weird stupid things over the past 36 hrs.

i messed up singing my solos at church this morning. a little. it is still bugging me. a little.

when making dinner from a box (bad enough), i dumped in the wrong packet (even worse) and let simmer for 7 minutes prior to noticing i'd done it wrong.

i was way overly nice to icky-guy, i think i may have used the words "totally sweet" completely out of context because i was trying to escape.

i missed claude's birthday party. but this was not on accident; i actually did decide that i would not be functional after staying awake for 27 hrs, sleeping for three, and then getting back up.

twice i missed the phone today because i couldn't find either handset; they were calls from old med school friends. dangit.


i forgot to zip up my fly. twice.

yikes. just yikes.


Blogger Ray said...

why don't we kill you?


3/20/2006 01:47:00 AM

Blogger AlleyCat said...

I am happy to report that at least one other reputable news source in the blogosphere had a highly contradictory analysis of your singing.

3/20/2006 05:53:00 AM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

ray: there are so many ways to read your comment. i'm just going to leave it be.

alleycat: oh, no. you see, i sang well. i sing well. and my voice IS like butta, or so i've been told. i have inadvertently seduced many a weirdo with it (see post below). but i sang well with two mistakes. it's the mistakes that get to me. i don't usually make them. not me. see?

3/20/2006 02:10:00 PM

Blogger Ray said...

i was really going for just the one, soy un perdedor...
i'm a loser baby...
so why don't you kill me...

i thought it was another one of those call and response bits

sorry for the confusion, i can only imagine how badly that might have come off

3/20/2006 04:31:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

no worries, i knew what you were getting at. that's what i was getting at too. i was just pointing out the other possibilities... what with the "sheesh" and all. 'cause it could be funny.

3/20/2006 05:35:00 PM

Blogger AlleyCat said...

It is the tragedy of the perfectionistical over-achiever who actually is nearly perfect (at least in the relevant sphere of performance, this noun being intended generically not to refer only to literal performances taking place on a stage, podium or altar) to be obsessed by tiny vestigial flaws whilst others writhe in agonizing jealousy (or if they are more mature: bask in enjoyment of such near-perfection).

Would it sound arrogant to say I sympathize with this plight?

3/21/2006 06:16:00 AM


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