Monday, March 20, 2006

but actually

but actually,

i know how to do it.

each weekend, plan the meals for the week. go grocery shopping on Sunday afternoons.

on weekdays, get up, stretch, groom, have breakfast. get a few things ready for cooking dinner (marinades, defrosting frozen things, etc.). go to work. get home, where your ingredients are ready. cook dinner according to meal plan made on sunday. clean everything. pack lunch for the next day. iron outfit for next day if indicated.

before going to bed every night, take 5-10 minutes to tidy up your living space and put away all clutter.

separate your laundry as you put your clothing into your hampers, pre-treating all stains as indicated.

have a place for everything, and keep everything in its place.

of course it goes on and on. it’s never done, right?

but actually,

i choose not to do any of these things.

sometimes there is guilt associated with that choice. mostly it is the guilt of having knowledge and not applying it. it is the guilt of underacheiving. it is a false guilt, but it is guilt nonetheless. and then there is the frustration of being a slob and dealing with the consequences thereof, such as not being able to find your keys or your stethoscope, or always having at least one dirty dish in the sink, while all the time you know better than to do that to yourself.

i don’t know. i’m just not a hausfrau. and being one does not appeal to me at all.


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