Tuesday, March 21, 2006


... of the previous post.

that was my built-in admonitrix (see future post) talking.

i have some major tasks to take care of that i've been putting off just because i'm afraid of a little hard work and because of some other irrational fears as well.

that's all. i need to get to work, and step up to these responsibilities.

i'm not afraid anymore.

now, no more blogging. back to work i must go.

so here's a chicken-related link, so you can entertain yourself in the meantime.


byok bok bok bocbocbok.


Blogger AlleyCat said...

These two posts have been bugging my semi-sub-conscious for a couple of days -- this morning on the bike I finally figured out why -- the other post is simply not self-abuse, in the light of your explanation. It is more like a stern talking-to. Which we all need, from time to time.

3/24/2006 02:46:00 AM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

so you're correcting me?

one can give a stern talking-to without dishing out insults and name-calling. as a matter of fact, there is no place for name-calling in an appropriate motivational or correctional talk. "coward" is a strong enough word to be insulting to me. if anyone else ever called me a lazy procrastinating slovenly hypocritical spineless cowardly coward it would be completely inappropriate. the words are too debasing to not be abusive.

unless what you're saying is that these things are true and therefore appropriate, in which case, that's mean and sucky.

beware the fallacy that everything posted on a blog reveals everything about a person or situation.

3/24/2006 08:48:00 AM

Blogger AlleyCat said...

Dear CB,

The funny thing is, that you're probably right. Of course I wouldn't presume to correct you: I should have said, "it seems to me that your post is not self-abuse" -- probably revealing more about the extent to which my own self-talk contains potentially-to-be-construed-as-abusive elements than about the extent to which I might allegedly construe you as being deserving of such.

To myself I would say: beware the extent to which, by virtue of projection, you think you identify with / understand someone else. Unfortunately, reading always involves interpretation. Check with your local English major.

And I would also say (to myself): If you can't take it, don't dish it out. Although here I am already again, posting a comment, taking a risk. Boy am I a bold one.

3/28/2006 02:39:00 AM


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