Sunday, March 19, 2006

i'm an ick magnet

icky-guy did ask me out today.

i had a feeling he would.

before you get onto me about being snobby and saying that beggars can't be choosers, let me explain. believe me, i know. beggars can't be choosers. i know. because of this i will give almost any guy who asks a chance (= one date), because there's no good reason (usually) to pre-judge (that is, be prejudiced). but also you must believe me that icky-guy is icky. men and women alike find him icky. he is just not socially normal, and interacting with him leaves you with either a question mark over your head or a general feeling of ick. i can't define it well; it's something about eye contact, shiftiness, strange topics of conversation, affect, etc.

there are two dudes at my church that are demonstratively not mentally normal. we are talking serious problems. medication-worthy in one case. icky-guy is exceedingly mild compared to them. both of them have asked me out or hit on me at some point. at least, i think it was their way of asking me out. "you can come if you want" isn't the most conventional way to invite a woman on a date.

then there are the old dudes. why old dudes think that it is appropriate to be with someone young enough to be their daughter is beyond me. this is also icky.

the point i am trying to make (since it isn't clear) is that i seem to be an ick magnet.

lest one assert that all types of guys hit on me and i only remember the ones that i find icky: i can count on one hand the number of socially normal dudes who have ever approached me. the rest have proven themselves to be psychotics, schizophrenics, stalkers, megalomaniacs, or even of the autistic spectrum. in addition to this, i get asked out so rarely (about once a year, perhaps twice if it's a particularly eventful year) that it is all the more distressing for me to note that the population of men willing to pursue me is comprised primarily of the psychologically or socially impaired.

my last disclaimer is that i do realize that i am not normal either. i do know, however, how to interact in society, and because i have this ability, i require that any would-be boyfriend of mine has it too. i don't think it too much to ask.

oh i'm not asking for pity. i don't feel sorry for myself, and there's no reason anyone should feel sorry for me. i am just intellectually curious about this ick magnetism i seem to possess. ladies, are any of you experienced enough with this phenomenon to have advice to give? how do i turn it off? (somehow, i don't think pointing with one hand and holding my nose with the other and saying "ick! eek!" while running away is the correct solution, effective though it might be.)

i don't know what else to say, except that i sincerely hope icky-guy hasn't found my blog.


Blogger saara said...

i can't pinpoint who any of the three dudes might be, especially mr ick... you'll have to clue me in

3/19/2006 05:31:00 PM


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