Tuesday, December 13, 2005


because we said we'd post pictures of our projects.

color detail
stitch detail
steve wearing blanket


Blogger CamoBunny said...

wow, thanks! it's gotta be the bunny that makes the pic look at all professional, yeah? haha. actually, the bunny needs to be two more inches to the right and facing the camera more...

i tell ya, i tried to shoot that pic several places in my house and never was super satisfied. it's hard with those proportions.

i don't know if that stitch has a name. it's basically a modified stockinette, with two rows of stockinette (a purl row and a knit row), followed by a row of knitting two together all the way across, followed by a row of knitting into the front and the back of each stitch. does that make sense? the edges don't curl under at all. it was kinda fun. overall a suitable first project. just took way too long.

your dr. who scarf was quite impressive. with its sheer size and the apparent (from the photo at least) tiny gauge such a project would have taken me at least a year.

12/16/2005 11:50:00 PM


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