Monday, December 12, 2005

worty dirds

swearing is a cop-out.

that's right. you heard me.

i find that there are almost always more creative and apt ways to express one's sentiment than swear words. most people who swear are simply being too lazy or too dumb to find a more fitting way to say what they want to say. all you have to do is string together a bunch of words referring to deity, close relatives, and/or bodily functions and you're done. if you can manage to express yourself in aforementioned creative and apt manner, it can actually have greater impact then just bleeping all over the place using someone else's tired ol' profanity. this happens to be a major reason why i choose not to include those words in my everyday speech.

you may have noticed i said "almost". this is because those particular words have a definition, and sometimes a person or a situation fits that definition exactly. sometimes there just isn't a more fitting word than a swear word.

there. my disclaimer's in. for the record, and may it please whomever. i don't really care.

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