Wednesday, November 15, 2006

two things

1. does anyone else feel as though madonna's trying to do what gwen stefani has already done? does anyone else wonder why i've even noticed when i don't care much for either artist?

2. "i know, right?" where did that phrase come from, and why does everyone around here say it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago I gifted my then girlfriend with tickets to go to Toronto to see Madonna in concert, as she is such a rabid fan. As a rocker at heart, I went along certain that while she would be in her glory, surely I could at least suffer through it. Imagine my surprise when her stage show blew me away. There have been and likely always will be things about her that I will find irksome, but gotta give her that one. I used to love Gwen in No Doubt, but her incarnation as a pop diva leaves me cold. As for the "I know, right" phrase-craze, it hasn't infected my little corner yet, but sounds like it comes from some insecure position desiring affirmation. I think. UM... I'd have to hear it in context really.

11/16/2006 07:30:00 PM

Blogger Thérèse said...

Out here we say: "I know, eh?"

It's in solidarity. Might as well make it a declarative statement and change "know" to "agree." But I digress. You're right; it doesn't make much sense, really.

I'd argue that Madonna did it first. Just cause... she's Madonna. Gwen herself admits to copycatting.

11/16/2006 09:11:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

whoa, i should clarify.

i guess when this thought popped into my head it was on the basis of strictly the sound of the music, the most (only?) important part to me. from an "entertainment" point of view, it's obvious who comes first.

11/18/2006 05:02:00 AM


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