Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i think...

somewhere inside of me there IS that little girl. she is in a yellow dress, pigtails tied in ribbons (one pink and one rainbow striped, because she likes them both even though neither match). she thinks spinning around and around until she's dizzy is great fun. she has a child's faith. she dreams of the happily ever after, and actually believes it can come true. she is optimistic and she has great hope. she probably likes ponies too— i don't know; i'll have to ask. i'm not one who ever had a thing for ponies myself.

i didn't notice her 'til recently. i don't know why i am so surprised to have come across her. perhaps it is because she looks nothing like me. perhaps it is that i try not to listen to her. or that i have little respect for her. or that i simply don't like her and resent her for creating false hopes in me. i don't know.

so what am i supposed to do with her now?


Blogger Ray said...

buy her ice cream

1/20/2006 04:02:00 PM

Blogger A. Klemmer said...

ice cream is good. play with her. talk with her. listen to her. parent her. indulge her. love her. care for her. bring her flowers (if she likes flowers). ask her what she wants to do. play dolls? go to a matinee? ride a pony? get a milk shake? put pen to paper and practice spillage and see what she says. you're in tune for the book The Artist's Way.

1/21/2006 12:06:00 AM


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