Tuesday, January 30, 2007

american i-dull

as the warbles and screeches assault my ears, i can't help but notice how convinced these people are that they are honestly good at singing. i mean, they really, really believe it!

it has made me wonder,

what if i'm actually as bad as they are, and never realized it?!

hee hee hee hee!

even if i am, i'm having a lot of fun, so who cares!

(stay tuned; t minus several weeks before the new group begins. hopefully.)


Blogger CamoBunny said...

thank you, friend! i was thinking things along the lines of "what if people are just being nice or really don't know any better when they say i'm good." i know i can trust your ear and your heart.

wv: woozszee

1/31/2007 07:11:00 PM


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