Sunday, January 21, 2007

something to think about

maybe i should view it all as "sacrifice".

here's a question. is it sacrifice if it doesn't hurt?

what is the inherent virtue in sacrifice?

from the latin—
sacer: holy, sacred.
facere: to make or do.

ergo, to make holy.

i've been really fortunate and have never really had to sacrifice much. or at least i didn't think i did. today i wonder if the unhappiness that i "feel" is just a part of the sacrifice i'm making.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps. The road less taken is usually a rougher ride, but often worth it from a "growth" perspective. I constantly remind myself to strive to be a better person, although sometimes ya just wanna cut a huge swath of teh selfish through it all. But if you find yourself reaching Jean D'Arc-like levels of self sacrifice, I recommend immediate self indulgence.

1/22/2007 12:18:00 AM


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