Thursday, January 25, 2007

the truth, it speaks to me

and often times, the truth hurts.

it speaks to me, and it helps me in my job and in my relationships. still, sometimes i wish it would shut up.

today twice it spoke to me.

the first one was that a certain someone is going to die overseas. it hit me in a flash. it was incredibly grim. i couldn't say anything. i swallowed it, and the sour feeling in my stomach remains.

the second one was that my friend's marriage is in trouble. that one was less surprising, but still, i'm not sure they realize it fully.

i don't like it, but it is what it is. very ecclesiastical.

once i told a friend of mine the truth as it struck me. she was really upset with me. when it came true several months later, i felt sick with grief for her. but i had been feeling sad for her all those months all along.

sometimes i communicate the truth. at other times, i put my fingers in my ears, shut my eyes tight, and swallow hard, hoping it's not real.


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