Saturday, March 04, 2006

not a morning person (addendum)



i was grumpy this morning.

i guess it's true that i'm really not a morning person. i get mistaken for one because my mother taught me as a child to be polite and always say, "good morning." but believe me, that is the extent of it. it is important to be polite and perform the usual ritual of courtesy (and just be personable), but after that i am quite content to be quiet in the morning. i like some time to get warmed up. i also need some time for my niceness to kick in, so it's better for me to hold my tongue anyway.

although i love coffee with great ardor, i don't like the idea of drugging oneself (that's about 80 mg of drug per cup) merely for the sake of drugging oneself. life has a natural rhythm. disturbing it artifically comes with great consequences.

the morning is a good time to be quiet. it's a good time to focus and get your tasks done efficiently. that way toward the end of the work day, when everybody feels like goofing off, you're free to join in because you're pretty much done with your work. there was a period of time during residency when i arrived at the hospital ridiculously early so i had time to be alone, sip my juice, and pre-round on my patients in an efficient yet unpressured fashion.

i just ran out of words to say. next time, then.


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