Friday, March 10, 2006

beauty parlor

i'm about to go get my hair cut.

do i have to make myself up all pretty to go to the salon?

shouldn't i be able to buy my pretty there?


Blogger saara said...

how did it go? how does it look? (not sure why i bother asking- i'm sure you look GORGEOUS, but it is the polite thing to say. and i suppose in return you will be self-deprecating and say, oh it's really not that good, etc, etc, etc.) can't wait to see it.

3/10/2006 04:36:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

oh, no, no, this was just my usual q 4 week cut. it's the same thing as usual, except this time i got the back part close to my neck cut much shorter.

now my haircut looks just like the swing bob everyone else has-- that is, everyone who started out copying me to begin with.

i look just about the same, except with two new zits that magically appeared today.

and some statement of self-deprecation is the polite thing to say back, is it not?

3/10/2006 10:49:00 PM


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