Wednesday, February 08, 2006


my brain was going, churning away.

i was in that odd sleep phase. i was having strange dreams about things that didn't relate to one another, and at the same time partly awake, wondering if i should fully wake up, and what that meant, and whether or not i should go to conference today. (i'm not going. i am playing hooky all week this week except tomorrow.)

the phone rang.

my brain kept going. is that the phone? am i dreaming? i wonder what time it is. my body did nothing. come on, open your eyes. i could only get one open. the clock said 0542. i wonder who's calling? is it that stupid solicitor that keeps calling? surely it's too early. i will yell at them for that. am i on backup call today? or no, it could be a wrong number. but if it isn't, and it's someone i know, then it must be important. oh wait, i almost forgot, i should move my arm and pick up the handset!

i picked up the handset. caller ID identified the caller as my friend anonymous. oh wow. i wonder what she wants. i can't remember what she was up to last night. i hope everything is okay. did she go out of town? what time does she get in to work? oh wait, i should answer the phone!

i pushed talk and mustered up my phone voice. "helloooo?"
i heard all kinds of weird noises. not pockety sounds, but harsh jostly almost clanky sounds. i smiled a half-smile (mouth muscles not awake yet) and hung up, and rolled back over in the bed.

my body went back to a useless, inert state. but my mind kept going. i pondered the possibilities. what sort of situations would cause my number to be dialed and all those sounds? i thought of lots of things; some of the ideas are bizarre and i shan't mention them but the one i liked the best was that her dog was chewing on her cell phone. actually her dog is a very good dog and wouldn't do that, but i liked the idea for some reason.

at that point i decided my brain needed to shut up so i could go back to sleep. and it did, so i did.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

darling c-bunny, when you casually mentioned 'your phone called me this morning,' i didn't realize you meant, at five-fricking forty two in the morning!! i am so sorry. it wasn't the dog, it must have been the purse, as i got in the car, on the way to the gym. at 5:42 in the morning. noble, i know. ;o)

2/08/2006 04:41:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

no problem. one of the unfortunate things about sleep is that i'm rarely conscious to enjoy it. the phone call gave me the chance to truly enjoy that i could stay relaxed and snuggly in my warm bed.

and if i had been working today, i'd have gotten up at 0530 anyway. mine is NOT noble; it is unavoidable.

2/08/2006 04:51:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...


so do you then give them the right number for the plumber?! because if not, then, well, then you're not nice. in fact, you would be the anti-nice!

2/10/2006 02:06:00 AM


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