Monday, June 05, 2006


i don't really believe in "karma".

something sort of bad happened to me this morning. someone mentioned that because of "karma" something good will happen to make up for it. yeah, right.

oh, but look. i picked up an individually wrapped plastic knife from the cafeteria for breakfast. on closer inspection, i see that there are two knives accidentally included in the package. "see? karma."

okay. so a bonus plastic knife.



Blogger CamoBunny said...

i'm chuckling because i'm reminded of that part of the movie amelie where the guy tells the little girl she has caused all sorts of horrible disasters, and she is wracked with remorse for days. then once she learns he was just messing with her she gets him back. up on the rooftop she sits, disconnecting and reconnecting the cable tv at crucial moments of the soccer game, with that cold, resolute look of calculated vengance on her face...

yeah that.

6/08/2006 01:18:00 AM


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