Tuesday, May 02, 2006

some things i wish i had

so, my birthday.


this next one, this one coming up? it's an unwelcome one. my second unwelcome birthday ever. the other one was twenty-seven. i used'ta didn't care. i think now i do.

i never, repeat NEVER used to say anything about my birthday because i wanted people to do something about it ONLY if they remembered and cared enough to do something about it of their own initiative. i have discovered over time that this VERY RARELY happens, because people forget and are busy (otherwise involved). so i no longer feel bashful about mentioning my birthday, but i all's i want for my efforts is for people to tell me happy birthday, and i'm satisfied.

and. i used to have friends who would create lists of things they wanted for their birthdays, or christmas. this stupefied me. i could never have thought of amassing a wish-list of material things and submitting it for others to fulfill. it's just not my personality.

recently someone asked me what i want. in general. things i wish i had, you know?

so. in no particular order:

  • the ability to dance
  • the gift of gab
  • a clean domicile
  • a contagious laugh
  • a guarantee that i will never be hurt like that again
  • a quick and easy death
  • a quick and easy life. okay not these two things for real.
  • three extra inches of height, preferably in the tib-fib area
  • a carefree attitude
  • resistance to allergens
  • an S.O.
  • a hint of athletic ability
  • oh, and the ability to draw
  • all the years of hard work behind me, and the best years of my career ahead
  • the perfect little black dress
  • the perfect little red dress
  • just the right amount of disinhibition
  • a piano
  • 20/20 vision
  • more wisdom

only thirty-six shopping days left, folks. hop to it.


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