Tuesday, May 09, 2006


so blogger had one of those blips this morning. actually it's more of an outage, since it's lasted a couple hours. in fact, it's still probably having problems.

while waiting for my page to refresh/redownload, all i could see was the background color of my blog, which today is a nice peaceful light blue. what, you didn't notice the changing backgrounds on my page? shame on you. especially since the changes are drastic and sometimes the background is camo. except i guess that means the camo-ness is working, if you don't notice it.

in any case, i waited, and waited, and then the little message in the lower left corner of the screen came up. "Done." all that was on my screen was the blue background.

and i thought to myself, wouldn't that be kind of interesting to do sometime? change my coding one day so that suddenly when all you's nice people come to visit, all you saw was blue? or camo? it would be an interesting statement, kinda like that tabula rasa blog i used to have for no real reason. or like that JAMA issue i saved that had no art on its cover. and then i could come back as though nothing ever happened. or i could put "this space for rent," or "your ad here," or "you are here" or something.

i won't do it now that i've told you about it, though.

this concludes one of my most boring posts ever.


Blogger saara said...

i'm rather partial to the pink camo, myself

5/09/2006 12:03:00 PM


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