actually, george is still very sensitive about that and doesn't like to talk about it. didn't you ever read "curious george learns about the guillotine," or its sequel, "curious george goes to the e.r."?
sorry. i'm at the end of a night shift and can't think of any more clever titles.
when we were young, a woman esteemed as wise told us that men were the hunters, and women were the bunnies. some believed her, and hopped away to roll over at the feet of the first hunters they heard tromping by. the rest of us? we can talk here.
actually, george is still very sensitive about that and doesn't like to talk about it. didn't you ever read "curious george learns about the guillotine," or its sequel, "curious george goes to the e.r."?
sorry. i'm at the end of a night shift and can't think of any more clever titles.
5/15/2006 05:48:00 AM
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