the verge
evidently, i spent all day on the verge of tears.
all day except lunchtime when i ate with my friend anonymous. she's anonymous only because she hasn't clicked on 'other' and picked a name for herself.
yeah, lunch was good. anon, she gets it, you know?
but back to the verge i didn't realize i was on. it hit me with "the nearness of you". i like that song so much; it was such a shame not to be able to do it well. gaptoof was gracious anyway.
i have never been one to cry prettily. none of this tears rolling silently down a cheek. no, it's red eyes, profuse amounts of snot, congestion, puffiness, and horrible black rivulets of eye makeup. it's just not pretty. the voice i cannot control either. so it wrecked what could have been a great tune for my voice.
i wish i could say i got it out of my system then, but i did not. i fought it off to save face.
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