Sunday, November 13, 2005

sometimes the title is my favorite part of a post.
see, i’m the woman who reads the title of every art piece she looks at in the museum.
i think it makes all the difference in the world.
when you can come up with a sweeping, succinct way to provide context or summary for your material, it’s a beautiful thing. and how could you possibly understand what a piece means if you don’t consider the title?


Blogger Ray said...

clever clever

11/14/2005 12:10:00 AM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

actually i just didn't want to put a title for this one so it wouldn't be the first thing people looked at. i'm serious about enjoying titles in general. i really like titling my posts too.

to be honest, i almost entitled this one "windows and wallstuds" but i thought it'd be distracting.

11/14/2005 03:27:00 AM

Blogger Joshua said...

I have titles for things that I haven't even written. I don't know what they go with, I just think they would be great titles.

Titles can be very frustrating. If I have a good one, I think, 'Is this really what I want to use that one for, or does it deserve something better?' And then I have poems I have written that I have written that I think are good, but I can't come up with a interesting title for them that would make sense.

But when I read things I often ignore the titles, but not really on purpose. I guess I am just in a hurry to get to the meat of it.

11/14/2005 06:00:00 PM


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