i hate it, HATE it when people tell me things i already know as though they are teaching me. i've been like that ever since i was a little kid. how do i put that particular pride away? i'd like to be truly gracious about it. instead i smile on the outside and say something nice when on the inside i'm raging and feeling as though i need to prove myself better than they think i am. i know they don't mean it that way. but i still get angry.
i'd like to learn more about how a practice (e.g. being gracious) turns into a habit which turns into second nature, which hopefully just becomes natural.
I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but pride is a bad thing that you should avoid. It's also not a good idea to hold in all your anger like that.
Sorry, I just couldn't resist doing that.
11/11/2005 05:39:00 PM
oh HO!
so you like to write, to fight and incite?
bring it.
11/13/2005 10:56:00 PM
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