Monday, November 21, 2005


once again, my photo has made it out onto the world wide web.

strike that. correction: two hundred ten photos of me have been published simultaneously on the world wide web.

in my field this would be called a violation. a hipaa violation, to be precise.

i'm not sure what to do. i don't really have the right to feel violated. after all, the copyright belongs to someone else.


Blogger Ray said...

how inconsiderate of you to say so and not provide appropriate linking materials.

sheesh. i'm going to the prickly pineapple. they're much more hospitable there.

11/22/2005 08:11:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

ha! anonymity, remember? if you really want a link you can IM me to remind me.

'cuz we don' need no stinkin' stalkers.

11/22/2005 09:40:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i googled you, and yahoo'd you, and came up with nothin'. you're more camo that your purport.

11/23/2005 12:13:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

yeah, the 210 photos are all together under some permutation of my real name. go figure. there are others out there too. however i am the dominant camobunny on all the search engines. yeah, that's me. ha! e-mail me and i'll send you the link because it's hilarious.

but i know you're at work. did you get your suitcase packed last night?

11/23/2005 12:52:00 PM


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