Saturday, October 15, 2005


this bothers me.

i must have hit reset or auto-adjust on my monitor or something, because nothing is right anymore. the green of my sidebar and my '897' isn't quite as yellow as it used to be, it's paler and mintier, and the blue up top is not quite right. the prickly pineapple looks sort of a dusty sour color.

maybe not. the difference is so slight i can't tell if i'm imagining it. maybe it's just that my contacts are dry and i had a margarita for claire's birthday. because i don't remember what i did to the monitor; i know i messed with the buttons a little last night. now i can't fix it and it makes me want to walk away in very mild disgust.

i didn't think i had that in me.

i know you don't care either, unless maybe you're puffintoad.


Blogger CamoBunny said...

My page will probably look the same to you, since it's just my monitor settings that got changed.

Honestly, those dots are a visual assault to my sensibilities, dot by dot.

10/16/2005 06:48:00 PM


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