Monday, August 06, 2007

flamin' hot cheetos

this is not an advertisement for the spicy salty extruded snack. it's a medical public service announcement of sorts. for the doctors.

it's old news, but no longer being a frontline pediatrician, i was unaware of the flamin' hot cheetos phenomenon until earlier this year. i mean, i knew of them, i just didn't know their role in emergency medicine. now i share with you the knowledge you heretofore did not know you were burning to know.

when it comes to mysterious erythema or inexplicable complaints of "blood", flamin' hot cheetos are the source of all that is red.

chief complaint: redness of hands. on further questioning, child had been eating flamin' hot cheetos and, after finishing, thought it'd be fun to rub the cheetos scunge around on his fingers and hands. rx: wash hands.

chief complaint: nosebleed. on examination, no blood is found, but a flamin' hot cheeto is in the nose. rx: don't put flamin' hot cheetos in the nose. (otherwise, nosebleeds will eventually develop.)

chief complaint: bloody vomit. that ain't blood. that's too many flamin' hot cheetos, baby.

chief complaint: blood in stool. stool tests negative for blood. you guessed it. red dye 40 lake, from flaaaaamin' hot cheetos.

now, i ain't hatin' on the snack. i tried one once. they're pretty tasty, actually, and that's coming from someone who doesn't really care for spicy foods.

i just think it's pretty freakin' funny.

and now the other health risk, documented in this npr radio article.

reporter: "what would happen to me if i ate this whole bag?"

child #1: "you might have the runs."

child #2: "yo' booty might be burnin'"

flamin' hot cheetos!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, it must be a red theme today! We had two separate bloody instances in the kitchen with our work crew kids. One was Koolaid hair jobs, which ran in rivulets from the down the hill, making little bloody pools in the road.

The second was handfuls of cherry pie filling, which can lead unknowing work crew girls to believe you just gutted one of the work crew boys.

Red dye definitely makes things more fun.

8/06/2007 11:03:00 PM

Blogger CamoBunny said...

oh, yes. red dye is fun indeed. but what about actual blood?

i am around blood quite often. i'm pretty desensitized to seeing blood in real life. i hear it makes people pass out to see blood. i don't get that.

the thing is, i can't stand to see bloodiness on tv. what's up with that?

the other thing is, aren't you glad they always use blue fluid in the demonstrations on maxi pad commercials?

8/08/2007 07:46:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely. Although, I would rather they left us alone altogether. We already know what they do, okay?

George used to get bad nosebleeds that made me have to sit down. It makes my knees tremble.

8/09/2007 04:48:00 AM


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