Thursday, November 09, 2006

passive aggression

[subtitle: why i don't associate with such women. you know, THAT sort.]

they say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but you know what? sometimes it is simply obnoxious. (funny how that word is always the first to come to mind.)

of course, that's why that phrase exists. to keep some of us calm.

but then. to imitate, and then to insult? behind my back? insufferable.

and now what i have to say about the situation is

girl, i don't wanna be like you!

wish i could transmit the vocal inflections on that one for you. i also wish i could explain to you how apt that phrase really is in the situation.

and now. i'm done. i was trying, but i quit.

walk away, bunny. walk away.


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