Monday, June 26, 2006

strange things... #5

s.t.i.h.d.w.p. #5 requires no explanation.

but now the question is, what do i do with them? throw them out? seems like a shame. but they are five years old.

throw them out it is. at least i have the photo as proof.


Blogger CamoBunny said...

and everyone, i'd like to introduce to you heidi v. heidi seems to have the gift of encouragement. thanks for the compliments! also she is sweet and fiesty. as a matter of fact, if she were a candy, i do believe she'd be pop rocks!

honestly, heidi, after 5 years i worry that some bizarre toxic chemical transformation has occurred with my package of pop rocks.

and you bring up a point-- the acoustics in my place are great! at least, right now they are... but more on this later...

6/27/2006 05:46:00 PM


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