Saturday, April 15, 2006

true story

don’t flunk your eyebrows.

i’m not.

yes you are. you don’t know.


were you thinking about something?


that’s your problem. you think too much.

ha ha.

no, really.

really? then what... but... i mean,... but HOW?

what do you mean, how? just don’t think.

i have no idea what you’re talking about.

make your mind empty. just think nothing. like me. i just sit there, think nothing.

wha— but... dad? daaaaaaad!


mom says i should stop thinking. you have a brain like mine. tell her it’s impossible.

no, i think it’s good idea for you.


yeah. sure. i can do it now. just leave your mind... just... blank.

who... wha... who ARE you guys, and where did you find me?


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