... or for winning fabulous prizes.
why some people choose to ignore camobunny's corner over the prickly pineapple i just won't worry about. same goes for ignoring the prickly pineapple. the double 'p' was the original, and is a still super-fantastic and hospitable place to hang out.
so yesterday a certain situation forced me to stop and count the number of weeks i have left in this town, an exercise i'd been avoiding intentionally. boooooo. knowing this number makes me want to freak out. but i'm not freaking out, which makes me worry that i ought to be.
the greatest consequence of my uprooting may be that i no longer will live anywhere near any friends. not that these past years have been all that friendiful.
so i am still thinking about this 'friends' thing.
i have one friend whom i have decided is sucky, and has been sucky towards me. rather sucky indeed. and the suckiness continues despite any attempts of mine to reach out toward said friend in order to address the suckiness or otherwise. what to do about that? i suppose i will not do anything about it, but will continue to be a friend, because that is how one does well at being a friend. said friend will never notice the difference (that being the difference now that i have realized consciously that this person is a sucky friend despite being an okay person).
for you cannot build both sides of the bridge.
(friend is already starting to look like a nonsense word)
and to go to the opposite end of the spectrum, there is a certain friend of mine who is a most excellent friend indeed. we live in the same city. we have not been close friends for long. and it was long before we became closer friends that limitations were placed upon our time in the same city. we both are moving this summer. what to do about this?
one option would be to mope about it. to lament it with much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and tears and gloominess. i don't think that's such a good idea as it would prevent me/us from enjoying this our remaining time here.
another option is to not do anything at all, and just be normal and go about as though nothing is any different until be both just move and then that's it. it seems to be a viable option, though somewhat, um, i don't know, ignorant i guess.
no, neither of those options sit well with me. i propose a third option, that being to celebrate my friendship with said friend as often as possible before we part ways, and to deliberately and committedly arrange ways by which our paths will cross again in the future.
i am most thankful for my friend who remembers to be deliberate about this option more often than have i.
and that, my friend, is how to be friends.
a) how about people who check both (or rather, all) of your blogs compulsively? and b) i am quite certain that friend #2 is just as thankful for you you
4/19/2006 03:24:00 PM
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