Friday, September 09, 2005


there is a bunny, an actual bunny, that lives somewhere on the grounds of my apartment complex. sometimes he hangs out on the grassy knoll in front of my door. it is often at night that i see him there, standing very still. he lets me get pretty close as i go about my business, but he never moves to go about his business if i’m around.

when i see him my mind gets to going. i wonder if he is estranged from the bunny family i have seen near the laundry facility i use, and why. i think about the rabbit that lived outside my ex-boyfriend’s apartment and ate the parsley that he’d surreptitiously planted in a corner of the front landscaping, and how we thought it was fun when we saw it. (he named it “rabbit”.) i think about my mother, who is a rabbit (luckiest of all signs. thin-skinned and anxious, yet affectionate. a peace seeker.) in a house of two snakes, a dog, and a horse’s behind (oh, because he was born at the very end of the year). i wonder what it’s like being a wild bunny in the suburbs.

i very much like having him there. i like that he doesn’t run away when i come out. last night when he stayed around, i decided that i should henceforth see him as a reminder of God’s blessing. i don’t know why, but it seems fitting.


Blogger CamoBunny said...

you know, i never thought about that. it blows my mind.

i am a snake. more on chinese zodiac signs in a future post.

9/11/2005 07:39:00 AM


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