Tuesday, August 29, 2006


now that i think about it,
i've had this feeling before.

it's this feeling of eager anticipation, as though something good is coming. things are changing, i'll be moving on, something.

i've had it before, a couple of times. nothing happened.

evidently i've learned not to believe it, because this time i don't expect that something will actually change like i did the times before. i do expect this feeling to pass.

in other news, i completely forgot to celebrate the one year anniversary of the founding of my niche in the blogosphere. a couple of weeks ago it came, and went, and i didn't even know it. anyway, i've written 1,219 total posts since then, including a few drafts that haven't been posted yet.

i report it to you.


Blogger d said...

happy belated anniversary! and your 1,200+ posts really puts my 100+ to shame. i was so impressed with myself too...

you should definitely have cake.

8/30/2006 07:39:00 AM


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